v. or∙i∙ent∙ing: to align or position with respect to a point or system of reference \God"ward\, adv. Toward God.


A New Humanity

Arie gave an outstanding message today at church entitled A New Humanity. This is also the title of the sermon series from Ephesians we are currently going through. In the message from chapter 2:11-22 today, Arie made the point that 11 AM Sunday is still one of the most segregated times of the week in this country. This struck me as I listened to the sad statistic that 90% of whites congregate with whites on Sundays, and the same for blacks. Other races wern't mentioned, but I imagine it's similar.

What the Lord reminded me was that as the redeemed of Jesus Christ, we are apart of His church and that there are no economic, social, or racial qualifications or distinctions among us. Too often, my sin reveals itself here. If a person's primary language isn't english and they don't communicate clearly, I get angry and brush them off as soon as possible rather than ask the Holy Spirit for grace to listen and love them. If it were up to me, God's Kingdom would be made up of english-speaking folks, and translators would be provided to me for the rest. This arrogance was brought to my attention again as God wants to deal with my heart. I was reminded of my former place outside of God's Kingdom and the grace I've received...along with so many from all generations and nations. We, who were once far off, have been brought near to God by the blood of Christ. This is our unifying characteristic.

I'm excited to see a growing number of diverse cultures represented in our Sunday morning meetings. As I stand and worship with them I find myself thinking about heaven and the songs that will ascend to the Lamb from every nation, tribe, and tongue. Revelation 5:9-10 is an exciting picture of our eternal home. This is what we will be singing along with our African, Chinease, Brazilian, German brothers and sisters for all eternity. (And many others too I might add)

And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,
and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.”

May God continue to reveal the sin that divides and separates us. May we respond to the working of His Holy Spirit in us. And may our church more accurately reflect God's eternal purposes for all nations in the coming days and years. For His glory and fame!


Blogger Russell said...

I was affected as well. Thank God for Arie and his passion to reach the lost of all races and backgrounds! His message reminded me of a recent visit I made to Mars Hill Church in Seattle. The senior pastor there, Mark Driscol, was preaching on "contextualizing the Gospel" and he said, "the best thing we have to offer this city [Seattle] is the Gospel."

Amen. The only thing that can bring real and lasting change to our social problems is the Gosplel. It is by far the best thing we have to offer Harford County.

12:08 PM

Blogger Russell said...

what happened? did ya quit already? ;-)

8:26 PM

Blogger Josh said...

no man, I've been pretty busy getting ready to go on vacation this week. We're going to Maine and it's so exciting to plan and prepare, so I've not had a lot of time to write anything. However, I may post something in a day or two before we leave.

9:13 PM


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