v. or∙i∙ent∙ing: to align or position with respect to a point or system of reference \God"ward\, adv. Toward God.


I've Been Tagged!

So, Russell tagged me on my break from blogging, and I'm here again to have some fun! Here’s how this tag works:

1) Grab the book closest to you
2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3) Post the text of the following 3 sentences
4) Name the author and book title
5) Tag three people to do the same

Ok, so this is supposed to work, but the first three books I picked up don't go to pg 123...should reveal something about the depth of my reading ability! HaHa

"A true shepherd loves and cares for his sheep at all times. In John 10:1-6, Jesus contrasts a true shepherd with a hireling. The true shepherd is willing to give his life for the sheep." Stuart Scott 'The Exemplary Husband'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool.

BTW- we should try to get Zac online with a blog.

12:12 PM

Blogger Josh said...

We could try, but I'm not sure if he would go for it of not? Zac's kind of a numbers guy...you know?

8:40 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Y'all talkin' about Zac C.? I live just up the road from him... I could threaten to key his car if he doesn't blog. That could work. Maybe.

11:26 AM

Blogger Russell said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:43 PM


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