v. or∙i∙ent∙ing: to align or position with respect to a point or system of reference \God"ward\, adv. Toward God.



I've had the privilege of having many friends in my life, but none have ever been like Marlowe. In this post I want to honor him for his friendship and faithful example of love for the Savior.

All good stories start with something funny, so I'll start with this one. I was in an accountability group with him, Zac Coleman, Bill Morrison, and Rob Basset. We were singing a song in worship to the Lord and then the song sort of quieted down and we were meditating on God's promises. At this time, Marlowe decided it was time to start his own song....no he isn't a singer, but singing would have been more appropriate than this. He began a soft whirring sound that increased in volume as he apparently gained confidence. He then began to whistle! Yes, he did. He whistled a little song right there in the middle of the hymn! So, needless to say, we lost it and began to laugh uncontrollably at him. He sort of opened his eyes (he must have really needed to concentrate on keeping his pitch) and looked at us like, "what, what are you guys laughing at?" He genuinely considered this an expression of his own worship. And for that we thanked him for his expressiveness and his apparent lack of fear of man, but we also told him to save that song as something "special" that he should do by himself with His Savior!

So, now that you know his public worship expressions, I'll let you know that He is all the more a man of private worship and devotion. About a month ago, he had a surgery that forced him to take off of work for 6 weeks. He is still not back to work. Instead of hearing complaints about not being able to drive and walk, he has been giving me weekly updates about his times with his Savior. What has he been doing? Reading God's Word (and maybe some whistling too!). He has seized this time of recuperation to sit at Jesus' feet and listen, and learn, and be changed. And I can't describe the joy he has when I ask him what he's been reading. This reveals a man of humility and maturity. He is seeking to live in a wise way that will benefit him for eternity.

It's one thing to read about a man like George Meuller, and to hear about his prayer and devotional life. However, it's another to see faith like this lived out in front of you. As Marlowe's co-worker for the past 10 years, I've seen an increase in his passion for the Gospel, and his desire to reach out to the lost. He carries the conversations with unbelievers home on his heart and prays diligently that they might come to know Jesus as their Savior. I can remember many times in the car on a lunch break, or on a ride home that he just stopped and said, "can we pray for them right now?" This example has spurred me on in evangelism, and I can say that I am able to converse with unbelievers better because of it.

I could go on and on about other specific ways this man has encouraged, challenged and inspired me. I see a man who has been changed forever by the grace of God, and He is living his life with purpose, and a passion to see God exalted through the proclamation of the Gospel. Not many may see it, but the world does, and they are being affected by it every day he gets up and goes to work.

Marlowe, thank you for living out the Gospel for me to see. Thank you for not counting your life as anything, and for "becoming all things to all people, that by all means you might save some. You do it all for the sake of the gospel, that you may share with them in its blessings." (1 Corinthians 9:22-23) Carry on, my good friend with the work God has called you to.


A New Humanity

Arie gave an outstanding message today at church entitled A New Humanity. This is also the title of the sermon series from Ephesians we are currently going through. In the message from chapter 2:11-22 today, Arie made the point that 11 AM Sunday is still one of the most segregated times of the week in this country. This struck me as I listened to the sad statistic that 90% of whites congregate with whites on Sundays, and the same for blacks. Other races wern't mentioned, but I imagine it's similar.

What the Lord reminded me was that as the redeemed of Jesus Christ, we are apart of His church and that there are no economic, social, or racial qualifications or distinctions among us. Too often, my sin reveals itself here. If a person's primary language isn't english and they don't communicate clearly, I get angry and brush them off as soon as possible rather than ask the Holy Spirit for grace to listen and love them. If it were up to me, God's Kingdom would be made up of english-speaking folks, and translators would be provided to me for the rest. This arrogance was brought to my attention again as God wants to deal with my heart. I was reminded of my former place outside of God's Kingdom and the grace I've received...along with so many from all generations and nations. We, who were once far off, have been brought near to God by the blood of Christ. This is our unifying characteristic.

I'm excited to see a growing number of diverse cultures represented in our Sunday morning meetings. As I stand and worship with them I find myself thinking about heaven and the songs that will ascend to the Lamb from every nation, tribe, and tongue. Revelation 5:9-10 is an exciting picture of our eternal home. This is what we will be singing along with our African, Chinease, Brazilian, German brothers and sisters for all eternity. (And many others too I might add)

And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,
and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.”

May God continue to reveal the sin that divides and separates us. May we respond to the working of His Holy Spirit in us. And may our church more accurately reflect God's eternal purposes for all nations in the coming days and years. For His glory and fame!


Valley of Vision

Just released at the Worship Conference, the Valley of Vision CD is worth picking up and listening to. Danielle and I got one, and like any CD we buy, it goes with us everywhere for a few weeks. The prayers and songs of the Valley of Vision are full of truth about God and heartfelt responses to God. These writers knew how to talk to God with genuine humility. As I read the lyrics, my heart agrees with their love for the Lord and I find myself time and time again captivated with how great my God and Savior is! Here's my favorite lines of the CD right now. It's from O Great God, a song written by Bob Kauflin which was based on the prayer entitled "Regeneration."

Help me now to live a life
That’s dependent on Your grace
Keep my heart and guard my soul
From the evils that I face
You are worthy to be praised
With my every thought and deed
O great God of highest heaven
Glorify Your Name through me

Sadly, prayers like this have been exchanged for shallow, man-centered prayers that are so common in many Christians lives. Maybe you're like me and want to grow in prayer. If so, this might be a good start. So, click on the link here to order yourself a copy and let's listen and be changed together.


God is Where?

Have you ever heard a sermon where the Bible sounds like it has just been opened to you for the first time? Well, I did mention in my previous post that Jeff Purswell was speaking. For some, you know what I mean, and for the rest, let me just say that if you get a chance to hear Purswell speak, do whatever you have to do to make it happen. He is not only wise, but humble in the way he communicates so as to allow God to work through him. In saying this, I'm not exalting him in any way, but pointing to the fact that God was speaking specifically to me through him. And when God speaks, I want to be listening.

So here I was, taking notes feverishly (four and one quarter pages by the end), and Purswell masterfully laid out from Scripture the truth that God's eternal purpose is to dwell among a people He has made for His own. From the outset I was riveted. Why would God want to dwell with His people? Wow, this has been God's eternal purpose! From there he outlined five images from Scripture that highlight this truth:

1. A Garden - East was a place of life and hope Genesis 2:8-17; we had perfection in the original Eden with God’s presence and unhindered access to God
2. A Dwelling – I will dwell in their midst through a tent Exodus 25:1-9; God was immanent, yet transcendent
3. A Person – John 1:1-18; God set up his tent again in the form of Jesus; The Gospel of Matthew has bookends describing God’s presence Matthew 1:20-25, Matthew 28:20
4. A People – 1 Corinthians 3:9, 16-17; the church is now the divine sanctuary and God dwells within believers 2 Corinthians 6:16; we are now the temple of God!

3 Implications of this:

1. Christ must be central in the church
2. Christ’s presence in the church demands our pursuit of holiness; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
3. God is uniquely present when His people are gathered; this corporate reality is amazing and unique; the church is nearest and dearest in God’s heart; this is not a random gathering of people, but the very dwelling place of God on the earth; leading corporate worship is an awesome and sober task: the worship is in the presence of God Himself!

5. A City – Revelation 21; There is a suprise: no temple! The Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb is the temple; the dimensions of the new Jerusalem is a cube; the only other cube mentioned is the Holy of Holies; i.e. just like the Holy of Holies provided full and complete access to God, we now have the same access; there are no divisions! The whole city is open to God’s people and we see Him face to face…no sacrifice needed because of the sacrifice of the Lamb! Just as in the Garden there was Adam with Eve, in the new city God will represent Adam and we (the bride of Christ) represent Eve; mankind returns to paradise – a new fellowship not since Eden; Only the people of the King to worship the King alone! This is also the reality now, and God desires to dwell with and meet with His people.

And as I read my notes again, which have been considerably condensed, I say Amen! If you heard this message, what did God speak to you?

Isaiah 40:21-22
"Do you not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in."



Thanks for stopping by this blog. The idea for this originated after I attended the Worship God 06 Conference at CLC and wanted to apply the material from the conference with friends and members of our worship team. After posting this, I'm not sure what I'll be writing about, other than to point people to God in any way I can. I don't consider myself a writer like my wife Danielle is, but maybe this blog will be a good place to learn!

To briefly highlight Worship God 06....it was an incredible four days of learning and reflecting about God's presence. Danielle and I were specifically ministered to by all of the times of corporate worship and the outstanding messages. The highlight for me was Jeff Purswell's message on Wednesday night entitled "A People of God's Presence." He humbly stated that he was just setting the table for the other speakers to deliver the feast, but in my opinion, this was a bit of an understatement! He brought the truth of God's word to me as a banquet, and when He started reading in Revelation near the close of his message, I had goosebumps from the excitement of the reality I was hearing. So, I'll get to that message on the next post, and I can't wait to hear what God was speaking to you too. Another highlight was meeting new people from other churches across the country and catching up with friends. What an edifying and encouraging time we had! I'm thankful to Sovereign Grace Ministries for giving Bob Kauflin the task of leading worship development, and for his kind heart to serve God's church in this way. Also, I'm grateful for those who led the seminars I attended (Todd Twining, Ken Boer, Jon Payne, Bob Kauflin, and Mark Mullery). They all taught with humility and grace, and I can't wait to revisit their material! CLC did a wonderful job of hosting this event; their facilities and welcome was "top shelf" and internet access in the lobby was icing on the cake. So, if this has intrigued you, you may like to read on to hear more details, or you can check out Tim Challis' blog or Worship Matters if you like.