The Secret Life of Lobsters
If you like the outdoors, science, boating, lobsters, statistics, or biology, The Secret Life of Lobsters is the book for you. I just finished reading it and was riveted all the way through. From underwater exursions with the scientists, to hauling in lobster traps with the locals of Cranberry Island, ME, Trevor Corson depicts the life of lobsters from every angle imaginable. Intertwined with lobster facts are the lives of Bob Steneck, a lobster scientist, Mark and Bruce Fernald, lobstermen, and many others who are devoting much time and energy into preserving the lives of our favorite crustacean, the American Lobster. So, I give it four stars out of five, and recommend it to anyone wanting to read a great literary non-fiction book. But don't just take my word for it. The Boston magazine reports, "Corson's readable portrait braids scientific history with a fisherman's view of a lobstering town, keeping one foot in the lab, one on the deck, and the other eight in the mysterious deep."